Changes in companies

Changes in companies

Changes in the companies

There are times when changes need to be applied in the course of existence of any company. Some are not so important but others can help the company to improve. Some of them are only formal but in some cases, the procedures required by the relevant authorities must be followed.

We distinguish between changes for which it is necessary to prepare a notarial deed and changes for which it is not required.

We can help you to ensure company changes in:
- Czech Republic
- Poland

Changes in limited liability companies based in the
Czech Republic

Changes in the companies based in the Czech republic

We will be happy to help you with changes that require a notarial deed, but also with changes that do not.

Simple changes in the company that do not require a notarial deed.
Such changes include, for example:
- management board appointment and dismissal,
- new address registration depending on the content of the founding act,
- transfer of a commercial share in the event that the company has a sole shareholder.

The price of the service is- 6.000,-CZK.

Price includes:
- initial consultation,
- preparation of all documentation,
- court fee,
- our fee.

Changes requiring a notarial deed
Such changes include, for example:
- company name change,
- change of address depending on the content of the founding act
- division of commercial shares,
- change in the number of board members,
- subject of activity extension, etc.

We provide:
- aquick appointment at the notary's office,
- all documentation,
- registration of changes in the Commercial Register.

The price of the service is - 12.000,-CZK.

The price includes:
- initial consultation,
- notarial deed,
- court fee,
- preparation of all documentation,
- our fee.

Changes in limited liability companies based in

Changes in the companies based in Poland

We are able to ensure company changes in Poland. Some changes, as in the Czech Republic, require the preparation of a notarial deed (change of the company's name, subject of activity extension, share capital increase, etc.) while others do not (dismissal and appointment of the management board). The entry of changes takes 2-3 weeks.

Simple changes to the company which do not require a notarial deed.
The price includes:
- initial consultation,
- preparation of all documentation,
- court fee,
- our fee.

The price of the service is - 9.600,-CZK.

Changes requiring a notarial deed
The price includes:
-initial consultation,
-preparation of all documentation,
-notarial deed,
-court fee,
- our fee.

The price of the service is - 16.800,-CZK.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. Please contact us